Makeup Wardrobe Revamp...

There are 4 seasons in each year. We all experience physical changes, emotional changes and tons of life activity and event changes. Are you prepared for every change? Probably not, but you can prepare for changes when it comes to your makeup wardrobe. Paying attention to what you eat, how much water you drink, your environment, physical activities and emotional stress are just a few things that can play into how well your makeup wears. I will list a few items that may help you in making sure you're always on target with looking great...
1) Season changes: your skin may change in texture, color or levels of hydration during the change of seasons. Yes, it is true that it may be necessary to change cleansers, moisturizes and foundations with the change of each season.
2) Physical changes/activities: physical change or change in activity can effect your skin and may cause you the need to change your makeup routine.
3) Emotional changes/stress: stress can take a toll on your skin and may cause many unfavorable things to take place such as acne, so be sure to get proper treatment for these occasions.
4) Diet and water intake: what you put into your body can have an effect on how healthy your skin is. The healthier the skin the better makeup wears.
Please be sure to pay closer attention to the changes of your personal environment so that you can continue to look and feel your best throughout any season. Makeup can play a very important role in your life and you want to look your best at all times. Make sure you properly invest in your beauty by tweaking and revamping your makeup wardrobe when necessary!
For more details or a personal consultation you can email me directly.
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